Sabtu, 3 April 2010

Oh My.......

mlm ni xde mende nak wat...
aku x boleh alone..
sbb nnti aku byk pk mende2 yg x sepatotnye..
mcm mlm ni laa..
sume mende aku pk...
tibe2 lak my audio player play this song
Kelly Chen~Love Paradise..
siyesly shit..
lagu ni mmg sgt best..
buatkan aku pk byk perkara..
+my past time
+my ex especially (hows she doing anyway huh?..)
+my 'family'...
layan jela....

p/s------>i'm just livin on my own dream theather...where i am the director and the actor...i created the script that only know by me....:)

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