Ahad, 28 Mac 2010

!-e@rtH h0uR-!

tgk tajuk ni aku da gelak2 da..

sbb mende ni mengingatkan aku kat kejadian earth hour kat hostel aku ni...
org sume dok over use electric time earth hour tu..
umah aku je yang gelap gulita..
tp yg bestnye sume PC n lappy on plak...??!!
(nampak sgt x sokong earth hour tu)
siap chatting2 dgn makhluk2 yg x mnyokong kempen ni~

tp syukur gler weh,korg sume sure off lappy2 korg,
thx to u guys,download speed aku sgt2 laju...
3x faster than normal..wahahaha~~!!
500mb in a 30min...laju wey~


wey papa,mama,kakak n adik...
mane korg??
rindu gler kat korg seyh!!!

ni je knangan kite yg plg latest dulu..
mcm family..wee~~

p/s-->jgn tgk aku zaman jambu2 dulu..ak pon geli dgn myself dlm pix ni..zzzz~


Mutiara Kata utk arini------>

"Jangan ukur manusia dgn sebelah kaki"

"Senyuman itu sangat manis kalau ianya ikhlas"

"Orang yang kite sangka nak jahanamkan kite,
mungkin sekali dia yang hulurkan tgn ketika kita susah"

p/s--> kata-kata ibarat pedang,kalau tak dikawal,boleh bunuh sape2 je..
same goes with words,kalau tak di susun,buruk padah nye...

Isnin, 15 Mac 2010

++Sape Bersalah Ni Wei???++

Dalam suatu perhubungan..
suda menjadi norma JIKA~
~couple balek

ape yg saye mau cakap skang ni...

IF n ONLY IF mereka sudah

Sape yg nak dipersalahkan??

~pompuan cakap
"Laki Sume SAME sahaja"
well...mmg laki sume same je..ade muke,mate,telinge n *****..wahahaha
lainla kalau kamu couple dgn kambing jantan or lembu jantan..mmg LAIN...

~laki plak cakap
"Pompuan Sume SAME je"
malas nk ulang statement yg same..paham2 jela..

camne ni?
moved on?
n hooked up again?
up 2 u..
tp kan...
xpyh la salahkan sape2...
sume org cakap
"jodoh kat tgn tuhan"
so...u guys ikotla cakap org2 tu..haha
kdg2 kan..
dgr statement cmtu taw..
sume SAME je..
klu x brani heartbroken..
xpyh ngade2 bercintan~
hbs cter..
saye paham..
saye pon pnah clash gak..
tp pngalaman yg byk lg best taw...;)

p/s-->sile renungkan ayat saye ni even mcm x bleh pkai je..

haha..bodo nye quote...

Ahad, 14 Mac 2010

~Drama Addict~

~Lately i suke sgt tgk drama..
taiwan,korean,japan n english...
sume layan je...;)

~But now tgk cter korea.."Snow Queen"..i guess most of u guys da tgk kan??
dis is my 2nd time tgk cter ni..cter ni la 1st n last yg wat my heart cry a loud gler2..haha
bapak ah,x macho btol..wakaka~
Sung Yu Ri..u mmg best!..

~Second cter ganas2 lak.."KO One"..taiwan version lak..
xtawla sebab most of my friend x layan cter cina2 ni..lantak la..
i like n none of ur business~wahaha..:D
ade 2 ekor mamat FAHRENHEIT...(klu sape2 follow band group taiwan taw la..)
hensem lak tu..wakaka
*eh,gay kah i ni??heee~

~Then time for english lak..(gler la..i ni mmg hardcore tgk drama)..*wink2
sebab ada CHUCK BASS..!!..
wahh...memang fascinating sangat dat guy....
this is some of his quote dats made me fall for him~
*gedik gler i ni..haha

p/s--->i prefer to watching movies rather than study...:)

FaTty vs ToUgH m@n

erm...ade terbace perbualan mamat ni..
name die Bart...die ni gym~guy la katekan..
mengajukan soklan kepada seorg doktor~

the conversation~

Bart Says~
I'm a good-looking, intelligent guy with a great body that I enjoy flaunting at the gym. Needless to say, I enjoy receiving attention and compliments from women without exerting any effort.

What irks me, however, is that I sometimes see couples at the gym in which the women are babes and the guys are "doughboys." I love the challenge of diverting these particular women's attention away from their doughboys.

So why would a great-looking woman date a lumpy guy with no class or obvious sex appeal? Is she insecure? Or is she intimidated by male beauty and therefore plays it safe? Why would a woman who takes care of herself want to risk having dumpy-looking kids?

Sometimes I flirt with such women while their men are elsewhere, but I always start to feel sorry for the guys when that happens. One time, a woman even necked with me on an airplane for two hours, and then, upon arrival, introduced me to her husband.

I would certainly consider pursuing such a woman from an attraction standpoint, but if she has the capacity to be disloyal like that, then I would rather not bother...

The Doctor says....;)

Well, you've presented some interesting questions, but first I have to take you to task. Something about you seems a bit off kilter, namely: when you say you enjoy "flaunting" your body, you sound like a chick.

If I were to look up the definition of "narcissist" in the dictionary, I know I'd find something like this: 1) A person who is excessively fascinated with his or her own appearance, and 2) A picture of Bart.

Why do these women choose a guy who isn't buff like someone such as yourself? Well Bart, although to you, looks are everything, to a lot of people, they're not. They're only part of the equation. What you fail to see is that Mr. Pie Man with the babe has other qualities that outweigh his lack of physical attractiveness. He may be incredibly talented, funny and fun to be with. Maybe he's extra confident with super high self-esteem and his woman finds those qualities more irresistible than anything. Maybe he's the best lover she's ever had.

And you know, just because a woman is super hot, it doesn't mean that she's also super intelligent. Maybe Mr. Lumpy is extra brainy and she looks up to him because she has the brains of a ping-pong ball. Maybe she's in love and isn't thinking that her kids will turn out lumpy too, but rather that they'll have his brains and her good looks. Or, possibly, he's her father figure and makes her feel safe and secure, and feeling that way is her highest priority.

macam xde je...tp jgn pandang org gemok sebelah mate je..
(ayat aku mcm nak backup org gemok je)
memang pon..sbb aku pon gemok gak..;)

p/s-->padahal aku byk kali kne rejek dgn pompuan..T.T
those facts mcm conversation td bole d terima ke?
sbb x ramai pon aku tgk kapel skang ade bf/gf dorg tu XXL..
ade tu mmg ade..tp JARANG..heh~

Soklan Tag Panjang Nak MMpos~

curik soklan tagged from blog mane tah,,sebab tgh bosan~

1.How late did you stay up last night and why?
6am..sbb maen game~

2.What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
tunang..aka gf...

3.Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a E?
ade..n biarla jd rahsia??..:)

4.Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
yep..5tahun..lame kan??hee~
5.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
mama..dat time tgh men game so ckp pon mcm nk x nk je..wakaka~

6.Ever kissed anyone 18 or older?
oh..nenek la..die suke cium saye!..^^

7.Do you miss anyone?
ade..byk..nak kne list ke??

8.What does your 8th text message say?
"xpon la.weh.novel td...sooo sweettt"-from aten~

9.Have you held hands with anyone today?
xpon..held hand dgn keyboard je arini..wakaka~

10.Do you regret anything?
yep2...if n only if papa x kawin laen..adui~

11.What are you excited about?

12.Plans for tonight
menyiapkan mini prject yg kne anta esok...waaahh~

13.Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
otw on relationship..engage tuu..:D

14.What are you doing tomorrow?
gi lec yg membosankan..especially math..:(

15.Do you like to cuddle?
bole gak..depend laa~tp geli owww~

16.What are your plans for the weekend?
on9 24jam..tgk wayang...n men game...ok x??

17.Whats your hair look like today?
hodoh gler...prefer rambut duluuuuu!!

18.What are you doing right now?
dgr lagu Davichi~

19.What was the last thing you ate?
nasi lemak wit extra sambal..sambal die xpedas..tp manisss~

20.Ever go camping?

21.Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
ade...tp da lupe..yg pnting ade la tuu~

22.Do you like birds?
i hate animals~

23.Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
being rejected by woman...

24.Who do you tell everything to?
yanti n AJ...dorg paling memahami!!!

25.Have you spoken to your mother today?

26.What color is your hair?
itam..tp pasni mau dye silver..;)

27.Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?

28.Are you happy?
yep2...faking it only..;)

29.Where were you an hour ago?
dpn komputer~

30.Do you have any tattoo/piercings?
xpon...sbb my fren cakap sgt sakit...:D

31.Do you hate your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
xpon..i'm been taught to not hate~ing people...;)

32.Do you drink bottled water?
kalau ley ngan botol2 aku minum

33.Can you make yourself sneeze?
bleyu! aku picit jerawat kat idung, pas2 sneeze troih xberenti

34.Do you fall for people easily?

35.What are you listening to right now?
my man~davichi

36.How has the week been?
good2 sahaja~

37.Are you too forgiving?
yep2..sbb pemaaf itu sifat nabi kan?

38.Do you think you'll be a good mother/father?
sorry..xmau anak..;)

39.What is the last thing you spent money on?
minyak moto...~

40.Congratulations! You just had a baby boy whats his name?
kan da ckp td..xmo anak..haha

41.Last thing you bought at the mall?
henpon samsung pixon12 aku in laa~

42.Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
baju kompel(asrama) aku dulu tyme kat matrix..harge pon murah..rm15..haha

43.Do you take the escalator, elevator or steps?
xmo nek tangga..penat~

44.Last time you were at the playground?
time kecik2 dulu..5years old..da x igt daa~

45.Do you order more when you don't have to pay?
yep2...klu daddy ade,sume order..lg2 ar kat restoran 5bintang..lalala~

46.Sports you've played?

47.What did your last text say, and whos it from?
aten....~die cakap"watpe?i bru hbs klas~"

48.What are you obsessed with?
my PC n my dress!..~~

49.Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?
dua2 xmo..gayat weh~

50.What's one place you would like to visit?

51.How are you feeling today?

52.Last restaurant you went to?
kedai kubuq...dekat ja dgn umah aku ni~

53.Do you like someone right now?
lee jun ki..hehe

54.Do you have a dirty mind
always n all most of time..:D

55.What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?

56.Anything weird happen to you recently?

57.Person you want to tag
any one...!

panjang nak matii!!
thanx that blogger~

Desktop Tagged Me~~!!

Mis Yanti suh aku wat gak..:D
so post di curik jugak dr die..haha

1. You have to print screen wallpaper that you are using right now

2. Tell us why you like the wallpaper

~b4 dat,let me introduce who are they..
atas sebelah kiri -->chuck bass,venessa,dan humphrey n blair waldorf
tengah2 -->nathanial archibald n jenny humphrey
bawah sekali -->serena van der woodsen

aku sgt2 suke dorg..
sbb...cter ni(gossip girl)..sumtimes ade kaitan dgn khidupan aku ni..
especially part life si chuck bass tu~
knows him,knows me well...;)

mybe i prefer chuck bass only,
he might b a womanizer in the naked eye of people...
but deep in his heart,there is something that all people around him doesnt know~

he live in a luxurious life..
treated n flooded with money...
credit card,limousine n all those stuff..

but quote says "money cant buy happiness"..;)

aku ade cter ni until the latest season (season 3)..

dats y i made this chuck bass as my idol...:)

p/s---> am i able to b a womanizer but yet still loyal to the girl that i LOVE..?heh~

Sabtu, 13 Mac 2010

~oh baby~

tadi nampak membe drive keter...
so tbe2 laa tringatkan kat my 'baby' kat umah tu.
ape la kabo die eh??
terbiar je jat rumah..

nak bwk g hostel,
segan plak....
plus minyak die klua mcm air lak~

my 'baby'??
err...keter buruk je...;)

i take this pic dlm je...
err..teka la sendiri..;)

ketika i drive..ade org snap ini pix..:D
(miss this time sbb my hair still long)...haha~

plan 5 tahun lg mau bli keter mcm ni...
(mama...support la anakmu ini....waaaa~~)

but my dad cakap "ko keje pon macam nak x nak je,nak bli keter camni??"
btol gak die cakap tu...
my keter tu pon x hbs byr..adess..=,=""

"xpela...daku sedia sabar menanti disini 2bulan lg...wakakaka~"

p/s--> ade sape2 nak bli kan x honda s2000 ni??350k je..siyes murah..hehe

Jumaat, 12 Mac 2010

karam singh walia btoi~

jadikan ia sebagai quote harian anda..;)

  • Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke bawah
  • Tiada rotan, pelempang berguna juga
  • Biar lambat asalkan tak cepat
  • Biar putih tulang, jangan kuning gigi
  • Di mana ada gula di situ adalah gula-gula
  • Kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang, seri jadi abu bakar
  • Carik-carik bulu ayam, lama-lama jadi shuttlecock
  • Secupak takkan jadi 18 cupak
  • Gajah mati meninggalkan gading, udang harimau mati meninggalkan kulit, manusia mati meninggal dunia
  • Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pula makanan di dalam mulut.
  • Harapkan pagar, pagar tidak boleh diharap
  • Alang-alang mandi biar guna sabun
  • Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi seguni beras
  • Cubit paha kanan, paha kiri tak rasa apa-apa pun
  • Diam-diam ubi berisi, diam-diam orang... bisu
  • Hidup segan mati di tanam
  • Ikut hati mati, ikut rasa merasa
  • Lembu punya susu cap teko dapat nama
  • Sehari selembar benang lama-lama benang habis
  • Jika kail panjang sejengkal, beli le yang panjang sikit kalau nak ngail di laut. (beli la pukat tunda lagi baik)
  • Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak tak apa
  • Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik hari tak hujan
  • Sebab pulut santan binasa, sebab mulut habis pulut
  • Kecil-kecil cili padi, kecil lagi biji cili
  • Kalau sudi katakan sudi, kalau tak sudi boleh blah!!

merepek lagi..~~

arini macam heppi je..
xtaw kenapa..

tp yg penting,sum1 special itu start YM aku dulu~
sampai la satu saat...~

ade satu baris ayat die..
"i'm not available"..

my heartbeat getting down to the earth..

padahal aku da taw tu..
cume nak dapatkan kepastian...

xpela..means pisang da berbuah 2x..

then i stop sms die...
i know die x rase pape~

but its ok...
da biase heartbroken~

bosan btol...
naseb bek ade my 'babe' PC ni...
dapatla legakan ati dgn gaming~

"setiap manusia ade rase
nak diCINTAI
nak menCINTAI"

nite pe0ple..;)

Khamis, 11 Mac 2010


"Jangan ambil risiko,
untuk BERCINTA dgn kekasih org"

"Cinta itu memerlukan PENGORBANAN,
termasuk DUIT"

Rabu, 10 Mac 2010

the boring couple story~

cter ngarut meraban~...??
based on true edited story but it didnt related to anyone...

SMSing mode:

syakir : Hi,bole knl x?
asma : hmm?bole je..sape ni?
syakir : err..sum1 dlm bilik kuliah ni~
asma : which 1?? (sambil tgk sekeliling dlm bilik kuliah)
syakir : xpyhla tgk2..yg pnting dlm bilik kuliah ni.
asma : oh..ok..fine..
syakir : da lunch bl0m?
asma : blom..
syakir : nanti lunch dgn sape?
asma : dgn akak mia n kak su..!!..;)
syakir : wahh..syum2 lak..
asma : mstila..suke2...:D

30min lps tu..

asma : hey?x boring ke dgr lec?
syakir : tgk wat kdai kopi dgn membe2 ni..;)
asma : bosan!
syakir : laaa..g la nyembang dgn ur akak2 tu..
asma : dorg tlampau fokes...but i'm not!
syakir : oh..ok..da tu nk wat pe?
asma : chat?sgt2 boring..:(
syakir : alololo~ciannye...ade ape yg saye bole tlg?
asma : hey...u duk mane eh?
syakir : taiping..nape?
asma : laaa.dkt sgt la tuh!,,i duk kamunting!
syakir : oh..klu ade jodoh kang bole la blk same2..;)
asma : xpna naek bus laa.my dad biase amek..
syakir : dari perak ke melaka?hell jauh gler...!
asma : tah,die willing wat cmtu..
syakir : bruntung gler..klu my dad sure ngamuk2 klu nk anta i..haha
asma : die rsau sbb i la ank pompuan tunggal dlm family..;)
syakir : from my opinion,pompuan yg cmni biase nye manje..heh~
asma : hey!..tlg sket..dorg yg manjekan i..haha

30min dah lepas~
still SMSing mode

asma : jom lunch!
syakir : ok2..heppi2 lunch?
asma : u x lunch?
syakir : nak p la ni..tp tggu membe2 jap..;)
asma : xnk join i?
syakir : yunk oi..kite baru knl..tggu sebulan dua lg ek?..;)
asma : ohh...ok la cmtu..still lame lg kan kt matrik ni..?hehe
syakir : yep2..ni baru stat sem dua...lame lg..;)

after sebulan..
(bukan SMSing mode)

ieda : weh shark,ade cter antoo fighter laa..jomlaa~
syakir : sape lg ade??
ieda : buah hati ko la,asma...die ikot skali..
syakir : bertige?
ieda : adelah geng2 kitorg je..alaa jomlaa..u bole date dgn asma..hehe
syakir : da start la tu ngarot die tu..heh
ieda : i da booking utk u dat cter..hehe
syakir : mlampau sungguh minah ni..u blanje?i muflis sudaa..hehe
ieda : x kisah..as long u bole date dgn angel u tu..haha
syakir : i x pna declare dgn die laa..ngade2 sungguh die ni..
ieda : eleh..i taw u nak kn?wehh..die x kesah pon..
syakir : mmgla..i kn pnyegan..i jela yg kesah..
ieda : alah..u kutuk org x segan lak?yg penting u kne dtg DP gak weekend ni..i tggu!haha
syakir : yela2...my pleasure...

that weekend..

syakir : wayang da stat eh?sorilaa..taxi mcm cibai nye slow..
ieda : cepat2...nah,ur ticket..
syakir : (grab it)..ok2..jgn la laju2..mengah i d watnye ni..
ieda : u slow laa..

in that cinema...

syakir : weh..mane seat i??
eida : tuuu...(sambil point kat sebelah asma)..
syakir : wtf u ni ieda...??..i duk sbelah die??adess..
eida : gud luk my dear...haha
syakir : later i dush3 u kang.adoi~

dalam cinema tiada ape2 yg berlaku..hanyalah menonton cter antoo fighter tersebut..
syakir tidak duduk di sebelah asma..tetapi die duduk di seat di sebelahnya lagi..

setelah balik ke hostel...asma n syakir berSMS laa..

syakir : thx 4 d cinema!
asma : yeah..;) u njoy ke td?sorilaa..kitorg mmg kuat berjalan..sure kaki u lenguh kan?
syakir : xdelaa..u pnye psl..i ok je..
asma : i taw..u da bpeluh2 td..i nmpak laa..haha
syakir : xpe..kang hilangla pnt i tu klu da msj2 u..hehe
asma : ....erm..nak tanye boleh?
syakir : tanye jela..
asma : what do u think of me?
syakir : ok je..ape?
asma : eh2..silap2..who am i for u?
syakir : err..segan lak nk jawab~
asma : jwb je..mane ade sape2 kat sini..
syakir : i hope it would b more than frens..
asma : siyesly?
syakir : klu x bole xpela..i pon taw u baru clash dgn ur bf kan?
asma : bnda da lame laa..i can move on laa..
syakir : ohh..ok2..;)
asma : can we b like u said just now?
syakir : huh?
asma : i taw i x layak..just asking je..ok laa..bye2
syakir : ape la u ni..i tergamam je..can i say 'yes'..?
asma : err..u sure..this is 'more than fren' r'ship dat we meant ni..
syakir : xkesah..yep2..
asma : yep 4 wat?
syakir : i said..yes n ok je..;)
asma : i plak tergamam..haha
syakir : then??
asma : err...are we declared yet..
syakir : u propose me 1st..n i say i do..so..?b it laa..haha
asma : :)
syakir : snyum je..??
asma : sbb heppi!!
syakir : ske nye die..;)
asma : mstilaa..!
syakir : ok2..i nk tdo...pnt laa...nite2 eh..;)
asma : ok2..get enough rest b!..mmuah3...;)
syakir : jap2..wat did u say just now?u call me wat?
asma : b..!..hubby..!hahaha
syakir : my sleep sure mmg well2 sgt la mlm ni...huahua~nite2!
asma : nite!

p/s...cter ni x habis sbb ngantuk gler..what will happen to this new couple eh??


"Love is Not About Receiving..
But its more to giving..."

"Alangkah indahnya JIKA orang yg kita SAYANG
itu lebih SAYANG pd kita..."

"HATI itu seperti kaca,
nice to see..
nice to touch..
once broken..
consider SOLD"