++My LiF3 S L0s3R++
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
Jumaat, 6 Mei 2011
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~~ini bukan spam..tolong aku nk dapat duet je..klik je..x banyak tenaga pon~
~~ini bukan spam..tolong aku nk dapat duet je..klik je..x banyak tenaga pon~
Isnin, 2 Mei 2011
CaMni PuNyE oRg PoN aDe Ke ??
~Suke2 Kau Saje Kan...

xpayah la judge ape2 pon..
cermin diri dulu..
kalau suke mengkritik sangat,ha gi jd panel kat Akademi Fantasia..
at least boleh masuk tv..
"a girl wanna commit suicide after dat person saw her taking a phone call from
a man she called as 'abg'..."
merujuk kps statement di atas..a man she called as 'abg'..."
'dat person' tu adalah org yg duk selambe badak
komen pasal kejadian di atas ni~
abg tu boifren je ke?
boleh jadi abg kandung?abg angkat?abg tiri?abg sedara?
siot btol..suke2 ko kondem minah tu kan..
ade org cakap saya 'douche bag'.
merujuk kamus urban~
"Douche bag is someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker."
example :
Rob:He kept hitting on my girlfriend at the party, he just wouldnt leave her alone!!
Sam: God, what a douchebag.
kesimpulannya, jd suke2 bg aku title macam tu..
sbb aku bukan mcm tu..
anda pon x pnah dikasari saya kan?
yes i am an asshole..
everybody does =)
atas gurauan takpe sbb i'm fine with it..
klu serious?..fikir2 kan la..nasib baik anda bukan matsaleh~
oh ye..
sila cermin diri anda tu?
oh tak..
kita cermin sama2 ok..
we made mistake..
u made mistake..
so fair trade...
p/s---> Dont simply called some1 with a name that very2 contra with his/her attitude..
Ahad, 6 Mac 2011
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
Jumaat, 11 Februari 2011
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